Are cloaks due for a comeback?
Be Honest - This Looks Awesome, Right?
This overcoat from Holland & Holland gives off that otherworldly elegance that we don't see anymore.
Unrestricted Movement
Unlike fitted winter coats, which can locks up your entire arms, cloaks drape loosely over your shoulders. If you're taking off, you just fling it off easily and don't have to struggle with it like a coat.
Neither Too Hot Nor Too Cold
With your winter coat, it's all or nothing. If you're a little bit hot, you can unzip it but it barely does anything. If you take it ALL the way off, you're too cold. With the cloak, you can just shrug and it onto your back, or draw it tight to warm up.
Head Turner
I admit it could be tough to pull off, but if you can, there's no denying someone in a smooth black cloak will look cooler than someone in a random North Face jacket. Now the stigma of a dorky cape could be a tough sell, but whatever we are wearing now would have been laughed at if people in the past could see us now. Maybe things will come full circle and it will make a comeback?
They're Out There
There are communities that are that are passionate about bringing back capes and cloaks. Unfortunately very few companies are willing to go out on a limb and mass produce a high quality one, like we would.
So What Do You Say?
Should we do it? Should we make a cloak? Let us know here !
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